Diesel and turbine start systems
Gas turbines are used on larger marine vessels in addition to diesel engines to achieve higher speeds. The turbines are started by large volumes of compressed air at low pressure. Even though diesel engines need lower flows to start they have the same high requirements relative to pressure and flow. The two stage design of SAB’s diesel and turbine start reducing station provides a very accurate outlet pressure even on highly unsteady inlet pressures and flow rates. For smaller navy ships and on submarines we supply single stage reducing stations.

The SAB turbine start reducing station was designed for the LM 2500 gas turbine but can be adapted to enable the start for alternative turbine suppliers. The two stage design of SAB’s turbine start reducing station provides a very accurate outlet pressure even on highly unsteady inlet pressures and flow rates. The Nickel Aluminium Bronze reducing station is equipped with SAB standard cartridge valves in a monoblock housing. They are designed for mass flows up to 2 kg/s at an outlet pressure of 3,5 bar.
Class 206, Class 209, Class 212, Class 214, Class 218, Dolphin Class, Dolphin-AIP Class, Jangbogo3 Class