Built in breathing systems
In case of fire, contaminated air on board of the submarine or flooding of the submarine an integrated Built in Breathing System will be used by the crew in order to breathe fresh air or breathing gas (Nitrox). The system consists mainly of cylinders which store the breathing air / gas, a pressure reducing station (BIBS) to reduce the HP air/gas to a pressure suitable for the breathing masks and couplings to connect the masks.
In case of fire, contaminated air on board of the submarine or flooding of the submarine an integrated Built in Breathing System will be used by the crew in order to breathe fresh air or breathing gas (Nitrox)...>>
The standard design of the BIBS station, that is similar in fit, form and function to any system on-board current build submarines, achieves these goals. It can handle significantly higher flows than older BIBS on the market in order to supply breathing air for bigger crews. Additionally we supply for decades shipyards and navies with all sorts of components of the Built in Breathing System.
The standard design of the BIBS station, that is similar in fit, form and function to any system on-board current build submarines, achieves these goals. It can handle significantly higher flows than older BIBS on the market in order to supply breathing air for bigger crews. Additionally we supply for decades shipyards and navies with all sorts of components of the Built in Breathing System.
Class 209, Class 212, Class 214, Class 216, Dolphin Class, Dolphin-AIP Class, Class S-80Plus, Jangbogo3 Class, HDS-400 Class